YOU are the reason Crossover Outreach remains a beacon of hope for those struggling to make ends meet here in Flint and Genesee County, Michigan. We are truly blessed to have you helping uplift those in need and you have our deepest gratitude. Following are some of the many ways you can help continue to uplift those in need right here in our own community!
We work very hard to be good stewards with your gifts. Those gifts allow us to keep the lights on, the heat working, the freezers functional and full of meat, the shelves full of food, and much more. Your gifts help us continue to be a beacon of hope for our neighbors in need.
There are many ways to give: |
Donations may be made by cash, check or online via the Donate Today button below and throughout this website. MAKE A PLEDGE - MONTHLY GIVING
Make a promise to give $20, $50, or more each month. This can be done via the Donate Today button above, or by downloading a pledge card to complete and return to Crossover. BECOME A SPONSOR
You can sponsor a child for our Camp or Back to School programs, or a family for our Thanksgiving and/or Christmas programs. Call us to find out more! LEAVE A LEGACY
Consider leaving a Legacy Gift to Crossover, ensuring your gifts will help those in need for years to come. IRA DISTRIBUTION
If you have a required minimum distribution from an IRA, please consider Crossover as a beneficiary. |
Volunteers are the backbone of any ministry! Thanks to our volunteers, we are able to focus more time on our clients and their various needs. There are countless ways you can help, here or in the comfort of your own home! Call, email or just stop by and see how you can help share the love of Christ, restore hope, and rebuild lives!
We are in need of volunteers to help pack groceries, sort and label the gently used clothing, or assist with annual programs! Do you have an hour free to help? Please call to let us know you're coming. We'd love to have your help! |
We rely heavily on generous people like you to give those items you no longer need. We happily give them to those struggling to make ends meet.
We accept donations of gently used items including:
Click here to see our URGENT NEEDS! |
This program makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Card to an organization, all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Shopper’s Card! Log into your Kroger account online, and find the Community Rewards section; search for Crossover Outreach and click enroll!
This program makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Card to an organization, all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Shopper’s Card! Log into your Kroger account online, and find the Community Rewards section; search for Crossover Outreach and click enroll!
Are you a seller on eBay? You can help Crossover uplift those in need by Selling for Charity! Watch this video for more information on how to sell for charity then click this link to find Crossover on eBay! It's a Win-Win! |
These are just a few of our volunteers
through the years!
*We accept donations Monday through Friday from 9am - 3pm
*daily services are available Tuesday through friday from 10am - 2:30pm |
People like you are changing Flint & Genesee County! Sign up to see our work in action! |
Crossover outreach is an equal opportunity provider